KDHE COVID-19 Traveler & School Notice

EMPORIA KANSAS, March 15, 2020 Lyon County Public Health Department in coordination with Lyon County Emergency Management and local educational partners would like to reiterate Governor Kelly’s recommendation to close schools the week of March 16th -20th. In addition we would like to make the public aware that The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is issuing new guidance today surrounding COVID-19, including travelers, close contacts of confirmed cases and those being tested.
is now recommending 14-day home quarantine for Kansans who have:
• Traveled to a state with known widespread community transmission (currently California, New York and Washington state) on or after March 15.
• Visited Eagle, Summit, Pitkin and Gunnison counties in Colorado within the past week.
• Traveled on a cruise ship on or after March 15. People who have previously been told by Public Health to quarantine because of their cruise ship travel should finish out their quarantine.
• Traveled internationally on or after March 15. People who have previously been told by Public Health to quarantine because of their international travel should finish out their quarantine.
• Received notification from public health officials (state or local) that you are a close contact of a laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19. You should quarantine at home for 14 days since your last contact with the case. (A close contact is defined as someone who has been closer than 6 feet for more than 10 minutes while the patient is symptomatic.)
Everyone should be using protective measures which include washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, cover your mouth when you cough, avoid touching your face, mouth and eyes and stay home when you are sick. As an additional reminder we ask that students who are not in school be mindful of the social distancing recommendations, and that these additional days away from school are a COVID-19 response, not just additional time for spring break activities.