What is Community Initiated Development?
Community Initiated Development, or CID, is an asset based implementation plan designed to enhance current appropriate architecture, supplement an area with additional development and create great spaces that enhance density and provide an environment in which sustainable growth can occur.
In 2005, the City of Emporia, through the Emporia Main Street organization, began a multi-phase process to identify the community’s needs in downtown Emporia and develop a plan to achieve those needs. The plan’s intent was for the community to proactively identify, market, and initiate redevelopment in the private and public infrastructure. As a result, the Community Initiated Development (CID) was born.
Current Status
Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the CID Plan are complete. Phase 1 and 2 included a number of fact-finding and community involvement processes to identify the community’s needs and goals for downtown Emporia. As a result, the Downtown Design Guidelines were developed and use districts were established. Emporia Main Street is currently in Phase 3, which further refines the use district designations, assesses infrastructure conditions, identifies reinvestment opportunities, and quantifies the public infrastructure improvements necessary to facilitate reinvestment.