Emporia Main Street and a committee of local community members and EHS graduates have been working together to create a class reunion weekend for graduates of Emporia High to gather and reconnect. It is our hope that, Apella will be held in conjunction each year with EHS Homecoming Activities and provide you with an opportunity to visit you favorite Emporia locations, enjoy the community and gather with friends.

Apella - Ancient Spartan Assembly

Apella 1

So what is this event all about? Like we said, it is the committees hope that this event will take place each year in conjunction with the EHS Homecoming activities. Friday night will include the homecoming parade & ceremony and a chance to everyone to cheer on the Spartans at the football game. Saturday will be filled with various activities!


Is this just for specific classes each year? No, this event is an ALL class reunion. This means that all of the events hosted by the Apella Committee are open to all Spartan Alumni (and community members). We do encourage classes that are having Keystone years to organize individual gatherings/parties/meet ups during the weekend.

What happens during Apella weekend? The Spartan homecoming parade and football game on Friday night are part of every Apella weekend. Additional activities vary based on interest and class participation. Examples of past activities include post-game mixers, karaoke, class cookouts, class pictures, tours of Emporia High School. Got ideas? The Apella Committee is happy to work with your class representatives to make them happen!

What is a Keystone year? These are years in 10 year increments (10, 20, 30 etc). But if your class wants to get together and it is your 12th year reunion - go for it! We just want to provide some guidance on when you plan, but it is totally up to your class.

Who is in charge/the contact for my class? We are working on gathering that info. The side bar indicates names and contact info for the classes we have been able to connect with. If you are that person, please fill out the form below.

How can I get more info on the event: You can fill out the form below to receive periodic information. You can also follow the Apella Facebook page for more frequent updates (or both).

When is the 2024 Apella event? We will not know until EHS sets the date for homecoming. We expect the date to be announced in Summer 2024 or sooner. Sign up below and follow us on Facebook for updates.

How do I join the Apella committee? Please Contact Jessica Buchholz at [email protected] or call 620-340-6430.

Emporia High School Class Contacts

Class of 1955
Shirley Thomas Maxwell - [email protected]

Class of 1956
Beverly A Miller- (620) 341-0269 or [email protected]

Class of 1966
Paul Winter - (316) 304-1302 or [email protected]

Class of 1967
Linda McCullough Wood - [email protected]

Class of 1968
Suzie Ace-Storrer - 316-650-0325 or [email protected]

Class of 1970
Krista McGinnis Ryan - (316) 866-7720 or [email protected]

Class of 1973
Nancy LeClear - [email protected]

Class of 1978
Lyn Huffaker - 785-608-1062 or [email protected]

Rhonda Walker Schmidt -
620-757-6057 or [email protected]

Bev Long - 620-341-2076 or [email protected]

Class of 1980
Mary Sterbenz Morgan - (620) 343-3530 or [email protected]

Class of 1982
Sherry Bishop Taylor - [email protected]

Janelle Hensler DuBree - 620-757-8542 or [email protected]

Patt Falley - [email protected]

Janet [email protected]

Class of 1990
Mickey Edwards - 620-481-3211 or [email protected]

Class of 1993
Brian Protheroe - [email protected]

Class of 1998
Lisa Britain - 913-269-1625 or [email protected]

Class of 2020
Chloe Jackson - 620-481-3891 or [email protected]

Rylie Gardner - [email protected]

Class of 2003
A.J. Coffelt - [email protected]

Class of 2004
Talia Patterson - 316-303-7377 or [email protected]

Class of 2012
Janet Weaver - [email protected]

Class of 2013
Will Kraft - 620-481-9231