Our Downtown Design Guidelines were created to assist new businesses, property owners, and developers in making Downtown Emporia an attractive and prosperous destination.
The Emporia Main Street Downtown Design Guidelines presents a vision for a sustainable downtown Emporia through place-specific design recommendations. It aims to promote healthy growth and continued reinvestment in the context of downtown Emporia’s existing historic fabric.
These guidelines seek to ensure that mixed-use development is compatible with, and contributes to, the character of the street, the Downtown area, Emporia State University and adjoining neighborhoods. Its intent is to serve as a guide for residents, property owners and developers, the City and the University, in making good land use, design and development decisions.
The document includes guidance on:
- Architecture - Facades, awnings, signage, height and setbacks
- Transportation - Transit, thoroughfares, alleyways, pedestrian linkages, bicycle paths, and parking
- Streetscaping - Trees and street furniture
In addition to the document below, we can provide you with recommendations and design assistance for your specific property. Contact us to get started.