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Social Media is a good way for local businesses to supplement traditional marketing efforts and conduct business outreach in a more conversational tone. Outside of the information presented within the slideshow, workshop participants worked with local students in “breakout sessions” designed to teach people how to work with social media and implement strategies. During the Question and Answer period preceding the breakout sessions, several interesting topics were discussed, including:
– New geographic targeting through social media can create significant traffic for businesses that are in pedestrian oriented areas, or businesses that want to capitalize on traffic contained within large scale events.
– Geofencing average areas in a community can be fairly low cost, but venues like sports stadiums have a surcharge associated with them that can dramatically increase the advertising price. Research before you buy.
– “Filters” or “Frames” are a good way to add branding elements to social media photos, but you need to plan on a two week “upload” period before you roll photo alteration programs out.
– Millennials and Generation Z individuals look on-line to obtain ALL the information they need to interact with an organization or business. Youth typically avoids “human contact” within media campaigns. Posters and other printed materials aimed at youth should recognize that “call us at this number” type of advertising may be less effective for youth, and they may want to compensate with a heavier focus on pathways to comprehensive digital resources.
– Quality of photos and video matters. If you are using social media platforms to highlight products or services, the media you present is your audience first impression. The better your images, the more likely you will generate interest.
– Original content creates online brand loyalty. You need to be able to share information that is unique to your business or organization, and presented in a conversational tone. “Share” information relevant to your brand mission/vision, but if you are simply sharing everyone else’s content without generating your own unique content, people will simply follow the original content source.
– You can hire high school or college students to act as social media consultants to get you “up to speed” and improve the efficiency of your social media strategies. Contact Emporia Main Street, and we can get you connected with potential part time employees (or contract labor) that can improve your social media standing.
Social media is a necessary tool for businesses. Youth are natural innovators within the social media realm, and local students make great partners in teaching social media skills. We hope to continue this student/business partnership to improve innovative marketing skills within the community. If you have marketing questions, please contact Emporia Main Street and we will do our best to help!