Emporia Main Street's BUSINESS ENHANCEMENT programs are implemented by a committee of volunteers along with Main Street staff. The primary goals of our business enhancement initiatives are to:
- support, educate, and provide resources for ALL entrepreneurs and businesses throughout Emporia
- grow a sustainable core business district downtown
Our business enhancement programs provide a wide variety of tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that strengthen Emporia's local economy.
Business Enhancement Programs
Start Your Own Business Class
If you're ready to take your business from concept to reality, the Start Your Own Business class is one of the best tools at your disposal.
Available Property Listings
We can help you find a property that's a great match for your business concept. If you own a property, contact us for a free listing!
Incubator Space
Next door to the Emporia Main Street office, this 1,100 square foot rent-free space is available to start-up businesses for a set period and includes business mentoring.
Business Consulting
Individual advice tailored to your business.
Grants, Loans & Tax Credits
Emporia Main Street provides access to wealth of financial incentives to start or expand a business, including our own low-interest loan program, matching fund opportunities, and assistance with local, state and federal financial programs.
Business Investment Guide
Created for entrepreneurs and developers, our Business Investment Guide outlines why Emporia is a great place to do business, and includes a list of available resources to get started.
Want to support budding entrepreneurs, or become an entrepreneur yourself?
Emporia Main Street is here to help your business grow. Your support also promotes overall economic development and re-investment in downtown and the community as a whole.
Interested in Joining the business enhancement committee?
The Business Enhancement Committee perfect for those who are passionate about business, fueling job growth in Emporia, and helping entrepreneurs launch or expand. Click the button below if you'd like to join!
Business Education
The Type of Change No One Wants to Talk About
The Type of Change No One Wants to Talk About Substance Over Style I received an e-mail from a local acquaintance that talked about business trends in 2014. The list wasn't so much about "trends" as it was about responsibilities businesses have in their quest to become better…
Continue Reading >New Spins on Traditional Promotions
New Spins on Traditional Promotions Draw new people to your business destination Looking to the past for ideas that can be updated for the present is a solid promotional tactic. Identifying current promotions that can partner with store fronts is another way we can develop new…
Continue Reading >Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality How something you have probably never heard of could adversely impact your small business or organization Technology is the great equalizer for many businesses. Because tech is based on creative ideas, and it's popularity is supported by the masses, there is something strangely entrepreneurial and democratic ingrained in the DNA…
Continue Reading >Sales Are Alive with the Sound of Music
Sales are alive with the sound of MUSIC Stimulating senses can lead to sales At Emporia Main Street we often talk about creating an inviting atmosphere. In those discussions or articles, the discussion generally revolves around visual aesthetics. How we interact with the world we see…
Continue Reading >Improving your Cash Flow
Improving your Cash Flow Take some steps now to grow your bank balance later About 99.99% of all businesses we work with would like to improve their cash flow position. There are several ways to do that, and we cover various strategies that can…
Continue Reading >Play To Our Small Town Strengths
Play to Our Small Town Strengths A lot of big events are coming up, here are some little things you can do to help… With all of the events happening throughout the year one question remains: How can we make sure all of our visitors have a wonderful experience in…
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