Grant Opportunities – Financing Available for Special Projects

Grants are relatively rare and require a well thought out plan, the ability to execute, matching funding, and adherence to grant parameters. Dollars invested through grant platforms are generally designed to inspire sustainable growth. Grants are generally highly competitive, and an application doesn’t guarantee an award. However, if you are interested in grants there are a few areas to look:
DOT- Roadway Safety Grants- Roadway safety grants can help connect areas of communities while making travel safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. Safety grants are available to generate safety actions plans, develop specific planning projects, implement planned projects, act as pilot programming funding for new technology, purchase of traffic control devices, and/or testing safety protocols through temporary activities. Funding is allocated directly to local governmental entities, including organizations with some governmental authority (like universities). Additional information can be found here:
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program- CFI programs assist with the extension of infrastructure to enhance things like EV charging, hydrogen refueling, natural gas, and propane. Stations must be on a public road or publicly accessible location. Funding must run through a municipality or other governmental entities. There is a particular emphasis on aiding zero emission goals for freight systems. For additional information, click the following link:
Kansas Department of Commerce Grant Calendar- The Kansas Department of Commerce has several competitive grants arranged is various categories to stimulate community growth and economic development. Each grant has specific criteria and may need a sponsoring entity to process the grant. To view the complete grant calendar, please click the following link:
Main Street America- Emporia Main Street’s affiliation with the Main Street America program allows access to several different conduits that can foster community and economic growth. Some of the most applicable programs include:
-Facilities Grant Programs:
-The T-Mobile Hometown Grant:
-Preservation Grants:
-There are several funding initiatives that are currently being organized through the Main Street America program. Communicating your development project with Emporia Main Street can help connect you with potential funding options.
There are other grant-like opportunities for projects that meet criteria. Historic Tax Credits, energy efficiency/production programs, upper story housing redevelopment, and more can act as a “grant” through offsetting or reimbursing costs incurred.
Grants are normally very competitive, applications need to comply with the spirit of the grant, and other people’s money means other people’s rules. Quality projects that meet grant criteria can utilize access to alternative financing through grants and other financial mechanisms to make projects more palatable. If you have questions about grant funding for your specific project, please reach out to Emporia Main Street.