Home / Blog / Organization / Emporia Main Street RECEIVES 2022 MAIN STREET AMERICA ACCREDITATION


Avatar photo by Jessica Buchholz, Events Coordinator | June 13, 2022
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Emporia Main Street has been designated as an Accredited Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of Accredited programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.

“We are extremely proud to recognize this year’s 863 nationally Accredited Main Street America programs that have worked tirelessly to advance economic vitality and quality of life in their downtowns and commercial districts,” said Patrice Frey, President & CEO of Main Street America. “During another incredibly challenging year, these programs demonstrated the power of the Main Street movement to respond to the needs of their communities. I am inspired by their steadfast leadership and innovative solutions to drive essential local recovery efforts, support small businesses, and nurture vibrant downtown districts.”

In 2021, Main Street America programs generated $5.76 billion in local reinvestment, helped open 6,601 net new businesses, generated 30,402 net new jobs, catalyzed the rehabilitation of 10,595 historic buildings, and leveraged 1,427,729 volunteer hours. On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support their operations, it generated $19.34 of new investment back into Main Street communities.

Emporia Main Street’s performance is annually evaluated by Kansas Main Street which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify the local programs that meet rigorous national performance standards. Evaluation criteria determines the communities that are building meaningful and sustainable revitalization programs and include standards such as, fostering strong public-private partnerships, supporting small and locally owned businesses, and actively preserving historic places, spaces, and cultural assets.

“We are pleased to receive our National Accreditation for another year,” said Casey Woods, Executive Director of Emporia Main Street. “Each day, our organization strives to enhance economic development and community enrichment- locally and throughout the region. We could not achieve this success without the help of our board, countless volunteers, and local & regional partners.”

Emporia Main Street works with County and City governments, as well as state officials to develop a thriving local economy for Emporia and the area.

“Emporia Main Street has led the way for this community to take advantage of our own resources,” said Lyon County Commissioner, Scott Briggs. “Creating pathways for diversified careers, Emporia Main Street enhances the fact that we have the ability to welcome the world to Lyon County.”

As Emporia Main Street continues their work with the in-house Fabrication Lab and Incubator space, the organization looks ahead to create an entrepreneurial, innovative, and environmentally sustainable environment that exists for everyone.

“Emporia MainStreet is a vital organization to not only our city, but the entire region. Their knowledge of all the programs and grants available is crucial to many existing businesses as well as entrepreneurs,” said Emporia City Commissioner, Erren Harter. “They are not only focused on preserving all the good we have, but never hesitate to look ahead and consider all that is possible, which is evident with the new Fab Lab.”

Each year, Emporia Main Street runs a membership campaign that begins July 1st. This year, the organization has transitioned into an Investor Campaign to reflect the result of an individual, organization, or businesses joining the organization more accurately. For those who are interested in learning more about the Emporia Main Street organization or joining as an investor, you can call the Main Street office at 620-340-6430, visit the website at www.emporiamainstreet.com or stop by the office and speak with staff.

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About the Author

Jessica Buchholz, Events Coordinator

Jessica Buchholz is the Community Development Coordinator for Emporia Main Street in Emporia, Kansas. She specializes in event planning, volunteer recruitment, alternative marketing, media/public relations and fundraising. During Jessica's tenure at Emporia Main Street, she has helped grow events to an international level and she has created a series of new activities to meet organizational goals.