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Here’s a comprehensive bullet point list of accomplishments for the Emporia Main Street program from January through December 2024, organized by month:
January 2024
- Submitted year-end reports to the state.
- Assisted local entrepreneurs with starting businesses downtown.
- Held the Emporia Main Street Auction
- Launched targeted ads for the Sunflower Winter Invitational
- Partnered with KVOE and the Fabrication Lab for “Athletes of the Week” recognition
- Shared proceeds from October Haunted Tour events with our partners from Kiwanis
- Worked with local loan programs.
- Partnered with Emporia State University to feature “Players of the Week”
- Gathered historic tax credit information for local projects.
- Finished cleaning and organizing veterans banners.
- Developed new prototypes in the Fab Lab for local businesses.
- Coordinated with USD 253 on future collaborations.
- Met with investors interested in purchasing downtown buildings.
- Collaborated with Unbound Gravel on the 2024 Finish Line Party.
- Hosted a “Drinkers and Thinkers” meeting for promotional activities.
- Participated in National Main Street and Department of Commerce planning sessions.
- Assisted with potential collaborations for Fabrication Lab prosthetics.

February 2024
- Promoted “Show of Hands” on KVOE.
- Worked with the State Director of USDA on local initiatives.
- Held an auction wrap-up meeting.
- Started local Taste promotions
- Assisted a local tech entrepreneur.
- Launched vendor applications for Cinco de Mayo and Dynamic Discs Open activities
- Participated in a City Study Session for Common Consumption Areas.
- Hosted a Board of Directors meeting.
- Started Apella planning
- Engaged with Logan Avenue School on volunteerism.
- Shipped and collected items for soldiers in the Middle East.
- Hosted Housing and Urban Development (HUD) officials on their national Hope VI grant award announcement.
- Participated in City subcommittee discussions on Common Consumption Areas and incentive compliance.
- Promoted a series of Valentines specials/Super Bowl events
- Hosted a regional summit to discuss collaborative opportunities.
- Assisted multiple entrepreneurs in various stages of prototype development in the Fabrication Lab
- Worked with ESU Men’s Tennis on a community service project

March 2024
- Promoted Spring Break and St. Patrick’s Day activities.
- Engaged in alternative finance planning for a downtown development.
- Produced 3D printed items for upcoming events.
- Participated in Unbound Gravel planning sessions.
- Conducted a “Made in Emporia” meeting
- Hosted a Kansas community seeking operational insights.
- Generated several products within the Fab Lab.
- Collaborated on Show of Hands pitch event planning.
- Promoted the Mark II Showroom grand opening in downtown.
- Hosted a ribbon cutting at Champions Landing.
- Appeared on a regional television show to promote local activities
- Engaged in mapping and vendor outreach for upcoming events.
- Prepared elements for The Taste and May 4th events.
- Started PRIDE planning
- Conducted a “Beyond the Banners” planning session.
- Hosted multiple downtown cleanup activities.
- Participated in a Main Street America pilot program to enhance small businesses.
- Hosted logistics Q&A sessions for Unbound Gravel.
- Worked on design elements for vacant properties to encourage transition.

April 2024
- Organized a multi-day Easter Egg Hunt downtown.
- Hosted a Business Enhancement meeting.
- Participated in an Unbound Gravel planning session & co-hosted a community information session
- Worked on event logistics for May 4th activities.
- Received a Small Business Proclamation from the City of Emporia.
- Hosted The Taste
- Engaged in garden rehab activities.
- Featured on KSNT for “Hype Hounds”
- Hosted a downtown cleanup.
- Conducted Hype Team onboarding
- Launched applications for veterans banners
- Received notification of a 2nd place finish in the 10Best Main Street’s competition.
- Conducted tours for Emporia High School JAG students.
- Hosted an international group from Dubai.
- Worked with the Governor’s office to facilitate a downtown tour.
- Participated in welcoming activities for new ESU students.
- Hosted the launch of the Shop Hop activity.
- Produced new items in the Fabrication Lab for various local initiatives.

May 2024
- Met with property owners concerning redevelopment opportunities.
- Participated in regional television media interviews.
- Attended the National Main Street conference
- Hosted a joint Cinco de Mayo/Dynamic Discs Open celebration
- Submitted grant proposals and ROOMS grant applications for upper-story development.
- Worked with HUD on downtown project environmental reviews.
- Assisted with the Flatland Cruisers Car Show
- Participated in Emporia State University student recruitment activities
- Participated in multiple meetings on Unbound Gravel components.
- Set elements of the PDGA Masters Worlds “Fly Mart” and pub crawl.
- Engaged in PRIDE activities, including logistical assistance.
- Conducted market outreach for upcoming activities.
- Engaged in strategic planning to assist area businesses.
- Participated in City appropriations sessions.
- Presented to the Lyon County Commission for appropriations.
- Launched information for E-Tech Startups Class and other upcoming activities.

June 2024
- Worked with a local accounting firm to modernize internal systems.
- Hosted the Unbound Gravel Finish Line Party
- Received an award from Network Kansas for regional efforts
- Hosted the Disc Golf Masters World Championship pub crawl and block party
- Assisted local development groups and entrepreneurs in startup and expansion efforts.
- Participated in a regional economic/community development summit.
- Engaged in planning for multiple upcoming initiatives, including the Jigsaw Jam.
- Hosted a membership planning luncheon and launched the Investor Drive
- Launched the targeted Shrine Bowl ad campaign
- Featured as a guest on an ACLU podcast
- Hosted a grand opening for Middle Ground Books
- Hosted Emporia State University E-Experience students
- Participated in a Network Kansas retreat.
- Partnered with Emporia State University promoting their community meet & greet at Trolley House
- Assisted with Friday Pride Live and the Emporia Pride Parade
- Received recognition for regional assistance and Main Street America/Kansas Main Street 2024 Accreditation.
- Assisted in homecoming planning and grand opening events.
- Generated replica historic architectural elements and support items in the Fabrication Lab.

July 2024
- Participated in a national entrepreneurship working group.
- Assisted local institutions with major upcoming projects.
- Hosted Emporia Main Street Annual Meeting.
- Engaged in Unbound Gravel wrap-up/2025 planning meetings.
- Hosted multiple E-Community Trek groups from ESU.
- Promoted upcoming activities in regional television interviews.
- Hosted a grand opening for Schrockbier Old Smokehouse BBQ
- Judged the ESB Financial Farmer’s Market Homegrown Celebration.
- Hosted the Sunset Stroll shopping activity.
- Coordinated logistics for fall event plans.
- Received several requests for material assistance from the Fabrication Lab.
- Worked with developers on funding/placement options for new business concepts.
- Conducted Mix and Mingle planning
- Assisted with street and garden logistics for local events.

August 2024
- Initiated “Hype Hounds” promotional extension of the Hype Team
- Presented at “Beyond the Bridge” Rural digital equity summit
- Hosted the Welcome Back Block Party for Emporia State University and Flint Hills Technical College Students
- Hosted a Hype Team tour of Trolley House Distillery
- Promoted “Back to School” business specials
- Worked with the Kansas State School of Architecture on a student development project for mixed use infill
- Promoted Live at the Hive
- Attended the Flint Hills Technical College Community Fair to promote local businesses and activities
- Participated in a KVOE Talk of Emporia
- Aided in downtown flood recovery efforts
- Participated in a regional television program to highlight local initiatives
- Hosted two Kansas communities “shadowing” our program
- Conducted multiple downtown cleanups

September 2024
- Hosted Mix and Mingle to help integrate new residents into the community
- Attended the Kansas Main Street training in Hays
- Engaged Freedom Fest Planning
- Held the largest Great American Market in the event’s history
- Conducted multiple downtown cleanups, with particular emphasis on area gardens
- Co-Hosted the Kansas Maker Space Summit
- Participated in a regional television show to promote local activities
- Co-Hosted the second Jigsaw Jam competition
- Held a Board of Directors retreat
- Attended Emporia State University student recruitment events as a community advocate
- Participated in an FHTC Student event
- Hosted year three of the Apella Emporia High School All Class Reunion
- Held a grand opening for Cooltura
- Received national recognition from Main Street America for the “Mini Main Streeters” concept
- Participated as a community drop off for the “Can the Bods” event
- Launched a new line of Emporia pride merchandise
- Held a grand opening for Maurices
- Hosted several ESU athletic teams for community service projects
- Started planning the ESU international Food Tour
- Hosted a Hype Team Happy Hour with Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Assisted with a Recreation Center development community discussion with Fabrication Lab items
- Conducted multiple Fabrication Lab tours

October 2024
- Assisted with Emporia State University Homecoming activities & downtown branding with specialized poster distribution
- Participated in city-wide “umbrella” discussion for economic development
- Held a regional summit for collaborative efforts.
- Assisted with Dia de los Muertos events with HOTT
- Hosted a grand opening for Reality Check
- Hosted the Emporia Main Street Trick or Treat event and costume contest
- Hosted planning meetings for Freedom Fest and other events.
- Launched the Start Your Own Business Class
- Received training at the National Main Street 2024 Community Transformation Workshop
- Participated in a regional television show with members of Hispanics of Today and Tomorrow to highlight upcoming activities
- Hosted a grand opening for Breadman’s Bakery
- Closed out the yearly “Adopt a Garden” project with several downtown clean up activities
- Created a community Halloween activity landing page on the website
- Assisted in a recruiting and development visit out of state to diversify our local economy
- Hosted a Hype Team meet up with Dynamic Discs
- Named one of “9 Towns in Kansas with vibrant downtown areas” by World Atlas
- Held the first ever “Enchanted Emporia” event downtown
- Worked on real estate contracts and financial planning for downtown developments.
- Coordinated with the City of Emporia and Emporia State University to display veterans banners
- Released a “Maker Space” video with Network Kansas.
- Celebrated Lydia Kimble, Emporia Main Street intern, being named Emporia State University Homecoming Queen.

November 2024
- Launched the “Beyond the Banners” book to raise money for local veterans initiatives
- Hosted a grand opening event for Brittan Training
- Co-hosted Freedom Fest activities, which had the largest turnout in the event’s history
- Launched the Soldier Care Package drive
- Generated Fab Lab posters showcasing businesses that are “Veteran Owned” or that “Proudly Employ Veterans”
- Held a “Quarter Mania” to promote local businesses
- Attended a Kansas Main Street training for technology enhancements downtown
- Received national recognition from Main Street America and a City of Emporia resolution for Small Business Saturday support efforts
- Featured in an international newspaper article based in Zurich, Switzerland to dispel myths of the rural Midwest
- Hosted Sips for Soldiers with Mulready’s to raise funds for Soldier Care Packages
- Created a cross-marketing campaign that highlighted local businesses supporting other local businesses
- Participated in “Light the Night” with Bloom House
- Hosted the Start Your Own Business Class graduation
- Participated in a regional television show to highlight upcoming community activities
- Held Small Business Saturday events to promote local businesses, including the popular “Elf Hunt” with Fab Lab 3D printed elves
- Hosted the “Grinch vs. Mariah” music competition to raise funds for local initiatives
- Participated in a regional television broadcast to highlight local activities
- Conducted targeted marketing outreach for state football championships

December 2024
- Assisted with financing for three business expansions and startups.
- Decorated downtown lamp posts with LED light strands
- Hosted horse drawn carriage rides
- Worked with the Salvation Army on a gift-wrapping drive
- Hosted a late-night shopping event
- Launched the Transformational Strategy Survey
- Highlighted the Teacher Gift Certificate promotion
- Generated the “5 Days of Giveaways” promotion to enhance social media traffic
- Participated in a regional television show to highlight upcoming events
- Organized a window decorating contest complete with “major awards”
- Worked with ESU for the first ever Emporia International Food and Beverage Tour
- Participated in a regional television show to highlight local activities
- Hosted the grand opening for Emporia Myofacial Care
- Launched the Turnbull Façade Grant Program
- Cleaned, organized, and stored the veterans banners
- Launched a community Christmas happenings page
- Marketed “Open Late Till 8” shopping opportunities with local businesses
- Assisted with Tyson and Holiday Resorts relief efforts, including expansion of the jobs board

Fabrication Lab 2024
- 7656 Items/Projects produced for 214 Businesses/Individuals
- Emporia Main Street authorized 10 business loans for $669,000 in funding that matched local traditional financial institutions and aided in the startup and/or expansion of several local businesses.
Businesses Lost/Gained
- Downtown experienced a net loss of two businesses in 2024
Total Investment Impact (Buildings sold, Permit Investments, Public Investments, and Loan investments)
- $5,622,526.84
Total Downtown Visits/Visitors
- 2,400,000 visits from 217,200 visitors (a 1.2% percent increase from last year)
In future newsletters, we will drill down further into the year’s data. If your business has questions about your individual performance, please reach out to Emporia Main Street, and we would be happy to pull reports for your location.